Sena 2021
◆2023 James Suckling Top 100 #3
★美國加州葡萄酒之父Robert Mondavi,與智利頂級佳釀VINA ERRAZURIZ擁有者Eduardo Chadwick兩人合作而產生的智利頂級夢幻酒莊
★2011聖地牙哥盲飲會,Sena再度奪下冠軍,完勝第三名的Latour和第四名的Haut Brion
★多次入選全球百大酒款JS TOP100 Wines
★多次James Suckling 100分,各大酒評公認智利酒王
★有史以來獲得Robert Parker評分最高的智利酒,有RP接班人之稱的Neil Martin也盛讚它為「智利最好的葡萄酒」
Overwhelming nose with a cornucopia of black, red and blue berries, perfectly accented by fine toasty oak. With aeration the floral notes expand. Super-concentrated and vibrant with incredible finesse on the medium- to full-bodied palate. Such great brilliance at the finish, where the power builds very steadily. Still so young, but already dangerously delicious. It will be really hard to wait. A cuvee of 50% cabernet sauvignon, 27% malbec, 17% carmenere and 6% petit verdot. From biodynamically grown grapes. Drinkable now, but best from 2025. 20th Anniversary Berlin Tasting Event, February 2024.
年份 | 評分 | 容量 | 金額 |
2020 | ★JS98 ★WA97 ★WE95 ★WS93 | 750ml | 4160 |